Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Husband Project project 11

Project 11~ Stress-Be-Gone
Eliminate something that makes him crazy

the project- Today focus is to remove stress from is life. Figure out what makes him feel a tiny sense of defeat each day and plan to remove it.

The plan - getting his work clothes washed and put away in a special draw o he doesn't have to swift through his regular clothes to get ready for work. and then each day from now on to lay out something for him to ware to work the next day the night before so he doesn't have to worry about looking in the draws. of course i will ask him what he wants to ware but i will do it for him.

the results- since this was for yesterday but i couldn't get on my blog to write it i am posting it today. i started to do this for him and was unable to finish . long night with the kids. but while i was doing what i was for him he noticed and said thank you because it would make his day easier. so i will finish this up today before i get started on project 12.

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